LS One 2021: integration with LS Pay, enhanced inventory management

We have just released LS One 2021, the latest version of our Point of Sale and back-office solution LS One. Here is a summary of the new functionality and enhancements which we have added based on our partners’ and customers’ feedback.
Integration with LS Pay
LS Pay is a fully integrated EFT payment service that enables you to choose your preferred PSP (Payment Service Providers) among multiple ones supported out of the box. Until now, LS Pay has only been available for customers using LS Central and LS Express. From today, businesses using LS One can also simplify their payment processing setup with LS Pay.
Easier pricing of inventory with stock valuation
We have added stock valuation in LS One, making it easier for you to calculate inventory-related costs and profits. The system calculates average cost price based on the amount of items and price paid to vendors. You can track the running average per item, and per store where the items is sold. We have also added a special report for both SiteManager and Power BI reporting, to simplify your stock management.
Changes to POS plugin
It’s now significantly easier for LS One partners to develop plugins for the POS when customizations are required. Find more details in the Learning Centre.
To discover further enhancements and fixes in this release, read the release notes.