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LS Retail | 17 October 2024

LS Central 25.0: The latest updates to bookings and analytics

LS Central 25.0: The latest updates to bookings and analytics
LS Central 25.0: The latest updates to bookings and analytics

LS Central version 25.0 was released on October 16th, 2024. Here are the updates for the Bookings for LS Central and Analytics for LS Central add-ons.

Bookings for LS Central

1. New event management features

Manage charges to reservations or group reservations

Previously, extra charges could only be added to a reservation if they were linked to a specific activity. Now, users can assign charges or deals directly to a reservation without needing an activity. These charges can also be allowances. To enable this feature, you need to activate a new View setting on the reservation type and configure allowance posting settings if applicable.

Once activated, a new Reservation Charges section will appear above the Activity section on the Reservation card. This works for both individual and group reservations.

Easier to calculate event costs for quotes

The cost of an activity product, based on resources, is now included when adding activity products to a Sales Quote or Invoice. The Unit Cost (LCY) field updates automatically based on the resource cost. Note: This only applies if the resources have already been assigned.

Improved cost management for active reservations

A new feature lets users update cost prices in active reservations and sends Cue alerts in the role center if the cost increase is above a set value. It also updates the last BEO version with the latest prices, and logs a notification in the BEO event log if the cost increase exceeds a certain amount.

New possibility to set up default tasks for events

Managing various types of events involves handling different tasks specific to each event. This allows event managers to set up default tasks for different event types (like concerts, shows, or games), which are automatically added to each planned event.

2. Manage and invoice monthly membership charges

Members with a subscription can now be charged to their membership reservation and receive regular invoices, based on the invoicing schedule.

3. View history of reserved resources for activity reservations

A new option has been added to the archiving section on the Reservation Type card that lets users register and track resource assignments in the activity status change logs. This allows users to see which resources were previously assigned if changes occur. The setting is off by default, as it slightly affects performance during status changes.

Analytics for LS Central

New bookings analytics module available

We are pleased to introduce the new bookings report in Analytics for LS Central. This report offers multiple pages, providing users with both a high-level overview of reservation data and in-depth analytical capabilities. Businesses can explore booking and activity trends over time, assess revenue performance, analyze member demographics, evaluate traffic from different booking channels, and review the distribution and utilization of resources.

To enhance user convenience, we’ve included a dedicated section that clearly outlines all report components, such as measures, tables, and relationships, making navigation simple and intuitive.


Want to know more about how to make the most of your LS Central system? Get in touch with our experts to find out more or take a look at the LS Central Help page for more information about the latest release.

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