Donkeys Mexicano Fusion

Donkeys Mexicano Fusion is a popular restaurant chain from El Salvador.
In 2011, two Salvadoran brothers started their first restaurant in San Salvador, Donkeys Mexicano Fusion, which has since expanded into a thriving restaurant business with four locations. Donkeys Mexicano Fusion also has a ghost kitchen that takes online orders and a production center where all cooking products are distributed to the appropriate locations.
LS Retail implementation partner

With over 10 years of expertise and dedication in implementing LS Central, Nostico operates across Latin America, with bases in Guatemala and El Salvador. We provide advanced solutions, including LS enhancers to meet the requirements of fast changing industries. Our team ensures seamless retail and hospitality operations with cutting-edge development skills and personalization. We also specialize in upgrading older LS NAV versions to LS Central.
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